The Evolution of 8-Bit Art | Off Book | PBS
Beginning with early Atari and Nintendo video games, the 8-bit aesthetic has been a part of our culture for over 30 years. As it moved through the generations, 8-bit earned its independence from its video game roots. The idea of 8-bit now stands for a refreshing level of simplicity and minimalism, is capable of sonic and visual beauty, and points to the layer of technology that suffuses our modern lives. No longer just nostalgia art, contemporary 8-bit artists and chiptunes musicians have elevated the form to new levels of creativity and cultural reflection. Featuring: Jesper Juul Dr. Octoroc Minusbaby Anamanaguchi Anthony Sneed Additional Art by: Jude Buffum - www.judebuffum.com JamesBit - www.etsy.com Snake - www.pixeljoint.com Pei-San Ng - peisanng.com Sevens Heaven - www.sevensheaven.nl R Grillotti - anything.org Jamon - www.pixeljoint.com Paul Robertson - probertson.livejournal.com Thretris: www.youtube.com/user/Thretris Music by: Sycamore Drive - sycamoredrive.bandcamp.com Netlabelism - soundcloud.com Eric Skiff - freemusicarchive.org Minusbaby - soundcloud.com Anamanaguchi - soundcloud.com Kupa - freemusicarchive.org Lunchbox tha Narcoleptic - www.jamendo.com Follow Off Book: Twitter: @pbsoffbook Tumblr: pbsarts.tumblr.com Produced by Kornhaber Brown: www.kornhaberbrown.com