Katy Perry - ET ft. Kanye West
Get "ET" featuring Kanye West on iTunes here: goo.gl Get Katy Perry's latest album, 'Teenage Dream' here: bit.ly (explicit) bit.ly (clean) Music video by Katy Perry feat. Kanye West performing ET Director: Floria Sigismondi Producers: Natasha Alexsa Garcia, Danny Lockwood, Kelly Norris Sarno #VEVOCertified on July 4, 2011. www.vevo.com www.youtube.com

皆様は、般若心経というお経をご存知ですか。 文字にして300字足らず。 しかし、あまたあるお経の中で、お釈迦様の「空」の教えを、これほどまで簡潔に説かれたお経は他になく、とてもありがたいお経として、宗派を越えて日々唱えられています。

I'M SO TIRED OF RAPPERS TALKING ABOUT BULLSH*T ON THE RADIO!! IT REALLY PISSES ME THE FU*K OFF. I MADE THIS VIDEO TO HOPEFULLY GET THROUGH TO SOME OF THEM..... Shouts out to De Storm, NAS's Rewind, Lost Generation, The dude who wrote Bars from Sumer, and all others who came before :) Video shot by Aztechfilm RETWEET THIS VIDEO TO FRIENDS clicktotweet.com GET A MAKE SMART COOL TEE! (25% OFF WITH PROMO CODE 'PRINCE') irsclothing.bigcartel.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com WEBSITE www.makesmartcool.com Send me something FRESH Make Smart Cool PO Box 4524 St. Louis MO 63108 - 1609 BUSINESS CONTACT ONLY: PrinceEa.makesmartcool@gmail.com Lil Wayne - She Will ft. Drake Lil Wayne - She Will Lil Wayne - She Will Lil Wayne - She Will Lil Wayne - She Will Lil Wayne - She Will