西原家 日本縦断の旅 7.19 スタジオkuri
Bad Girlの条件~渡嘉敷かおる(vocalの仕事 )Kaoru Oyama
「サード・ガール」という1984年~1995年に連載した、漫画家・西村しのぶさんのコミック(スタジオ・シップ刊)のオリジナルアルバム(アニメ・イメージアルバム)に「気まぐれNight In Blue」と共に2曲ソロで歌わせていただきました♪ と言っても約25年も前の話(^_-) 作曲は梅垣達志さんです。 cypress.music.coocan.jp
2011.2.13『トリプルテイルズ大阪興行けものバレンタインEve』DVD好評発売中メイン 華名vs里村明衣子セミ 紫雷美央、紫雷イオvs小峠篤史、原田大輔NOSAWA論外、木高イサミvs忍、彰人大森隆男vs見月凛音vs佐藤光留アップルみゆきvs乱丸kana-kana.jp
Life of Brian (1979) Trailer
Life of Brian (1979) Trailer Directed by Terry Jones Written by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin Brian is born in a stable on Christmas, right next to You Know Who. The wise men appear and begin to distribute gifts. The star moves further, so they take it all back and move on. This is how Brian's life goes. The Jews are looking for a release from the Romans, Spiritual and political decay, keep looking for signs and a group decides Brian is the Messiah. He cannot convince them he is not. He joins the Peoples' Front of Judea, one of several dozen separatist groups who actually do nothing, but really hate the Romans. While not about Jesus, it is about those who hadn't time, or interest to listen to his message. Many Political and Social comments. akas.imdb.com