It's, Oh, So Quiet Official Video with Lyrics on Screen
This is sing-a-long version of the song "It's, Oh, So Quiet". I love this song, I think it's so cool!! Not the best song ever, but close =P =P. I haven't uploaded any videos cause it's been in Xmas holidays and I had SO MANY works to deliver in the begining of classes, that I didn't had time. But now, I'll keep my promise and upload at least once a week, so stay tunned!! Comment&Rate&Sub, please!!! Leave a comment or a message for resquest... Kiss *Mariana DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN THE MUSIC OR THE VIDEO USED TO MAKE THIS SING-ALONG, THEY BELONG TO THEIR MUSIC AND VIDEO COMPANY, BUT I TAKE THE CREDIT FOR THE SING-ALONG

ルミネ有楽町オープンに5000人行列 初の駅外出店(11/10/28)
女性向けのファッションビル「ルミネ」が、東京・有楽町にオープンしました。開店前の行列は5000人に上りました。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news] www.tv-asahi.co.jp