Happy Tree Friends - Hide and Seek (Ep #14)
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PS 蒼魔灯第一關15連combo Deception III Stage 1
第一關就可以15連了You can actually perform 15 combos even in the first stage

世界の王も応援に駆けつけた! 新庄剛志、初プロデュース映画舞台挨拶
リトルリーグ誕生から70年。これを記念して作られた映画『僕たちのプレイボール』のチャリティ上映会が5月16日にニッショーホールで開かれ、エグゼクティブプロデューサーを務める新庄剛志と、主演の小原裕貴、沢木ルカ、劇中に登場する野球チーム「東陽リトル」のメンバーに、三村順一監督が登壇。さらに応援ゲストとして福岡ソフトバンクホークスの取締役会長・王貞治も駆けつけ、舞台挨拶が行われた。 (つづきはこちら) www.moviecollection.jp

Kaiseki (懐石?) or kaiseki ryōri (懐石料理?) Japanese dinner. Gifu Japan. MTP
Kaiseki (懐石?) or kaiseki ryōri (懐石料理?) is a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner. Kaiseki is often very expensive -- kaiseki dinners at top traditional restaurants generally cost from 15000 yen to upwards of 40000 per person[10] (about US $200 to $500 at 2012 exchange rates), without drinks. Cheaper options are available, notably lunch (from around 4000 to 8000 yen, (US $50 to $100)), and in some circumstances bento (around 2000 to 4000 yen (US $25 to $50)). In some cases counter seating is cheaper than private rooms. At ryokan, the meals may be included in the price of the room or optional, and may be available only to guests, or served to the general public (some ryokan are now primarily restaurants). Traditional menu options offer three price levels, Sho Chiku Bai (traditional trio of pine, bamboo, and plum), with pine being most expensive, plum least expensive; this is still found at some restaurants.