童謡アニメ「どんぐりころころ」 自作変flash 2才児大泣き 高画質版

童謡アニメ「どんぐりころころ」 自作変flash 2才児大泣き 高画質版

童謡アニメ「どんぐりころころ」 自作変なflashアニメ 2才児大泣き 高画質版click.linksynergy.com www.amazon.com おうたが好きだという2才の女の子のために急遽こさえたのにおお泣きされた童謡アニメ「どんぐりころころ」 自作のへっぽこ変なflashアニメ 2才児大泣きwww.amazon.co.jp "Donguri koro koro" is song of play of the famous child who mostly has known in japan. I made this animation for daughter of friend she is 2 year old. But she watch, it large cried. In Japan of former times as for the children Konomi such as group chestnut was designated as the toy. If the Japanese it is song of play of the famous child who mostly has known. The children learn from the parent and the grandparents. There are also times when you learn at the preschool and the like. 1 donguri korokoro douburiko(Fruit of "Quercus acutissima" it rolled like 'korokoro sound') oike ni hamatte saa taihen(It fell to the pond.Oh!my God!) dojou ga detekite konnichiwa(The 'dojo[Oriental weatherfish]' coming and said, "Hello!") bocchann isshoni asobimasho((The 'dojo[Oriental weatherfish]' said "The boy(Fruit of "Quercus acutissima"), Let's play together".) 2 donguri korokoro yorokonde.(Fruit of "Quercus acutissima" it rolled like 'korokoro sound' and Fruit of "Quercus acutissima" enjoy) sibaraku isshoni asondara(For a while, after playing together) yappari oyamaga koishiito(We would like to return to the mountain home after all) naiteha dojo wo komaraseta.(Fruit of "Quercus acutissima" Crying, it made the (The 'dojo ...

マスターが童謡のmidi聞いて喜んでた(`・ω・´) あれ歌うのか?


RT @Maelzel_opening: 童謡の「ツノ出せヤリ出せ頭出せ」のヤリとは交尾器の事だとか。ヤり出せじゃない。


@tomoriyna 童謡は好きなんだけど、それは「母さんが〜夜なべ〜をして〜」までのメロディまでしか知らない``

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