Hatsune Miku - Rolling Girl [Remix & MMD]
About Hatsune Miku: www.crypton.co.jp About Megpoid Gumi: vocaloid.wikia.com Vocaloid heaven: mikudb.com Official vocaloid interest: mikubook.com NicoNico Eng: www.niconico.com NicoNico JP: www.nicovideo.jp Official Project Diva: miku.sega.jp Official Project Mirai: miku.sega.jp All vocaloid song can be purchase via iTunes or www.cdjapan.co.jp I own nothing. All credit goes to their respective creators and those who involved in the creation.

School Days Ending Uncut with -Makoto's head in bag added / 誠の頭が見える。
This is the uncut ending of the School Days Anime, I did a noobish editing job by adding makoto's head inside the bag that Kotonoha takes with her to the School's Rooftop. For the impatient ones, go straight to 4:44 and you'll see. ---------------------------- これは私のSCHOOL DAYS の DVD VERSION ENDING EDIT です。 このEDITはかばんの中に誠の頭が見える。 ENGLISH AND SPANISH SUBS INCLUDED