蘋果動新聞: hk.apple.nextmedia.com 都說荔枝窩人間樂土,連樹木也成精。榕樹纏秋楓,情意綿綿,兩樹二合為一成參天霸王;通心樹留戀人間,火燒身也不肯投胎,堅持為遊人遮陰乘凉;百花魚藤難分你我,肢體交纏。去完這趟上山下海的短線遊,我真想在荔枝窩住三五七天,去除俗氣,洗滌身心。 撰文:無言攝影:劉永發Model : Alia

EXCLUSIVE! Sony's New Compact Digital Full Frame Camera the RX1!
For more info: bit.ly Yeah, you heard right. Introducing our first compact digital full frame camera, the RX1. 35mm full frame CMOS image senor? Check. Up to 256000 ISO? Check. Full manual control? Check. SGNL by Sony got an exclusive, hands-on first look at this mighty little machine. Check it out!

Rufus Wainwright - Across The Universe
Music video by Rufus Wainwright performing Across The Universe. (C) 2002 Geffen Records