Jesus & Republicans, LGBT, & Whitney Houston Death In Context (The Point)
Gary Kamiya (Salon.com) shares a point about Jesus and the Republican Presidential candiates, and Dave Holmes (comedian) makes a point on if President Obama's record on gay rights is enough to make the LGBT community single issue voters. Finally, what are the more substantive takeaways from the death of Whitney Houston relating to celebrity in America, consumerism and (legal) prescription drugs versus illegal drugs? Guest host John Fugelsang (Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour) leads the discussion with panelists Diane Winston (USC Professor of Media and Religion), Rabbi Lisa Edwards (Beth Chayim Chadashim Synagogue), and comedian Paul Gilmartin (Mental Illness Happy Hour). Watch More Points: www.youtube.com Gary Kamiya: www.salon.com Dave Holmes: adrinkwithdave.com Beth Chayim Chadashim Synagogue: www.bcc-la.org USC Knight Chair In Media & Religion: uscmediareligion.org Paul Gilmartin: mentalpod.com John Fugelsang: www.blog.johnfugelsang.com Twitter List To Follow: twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com

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