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That's What Friends Are For

That's What Friends Are For

Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, Luther Vandross & Whitney Houston
RT @JazminMonee: All i give a fuck about... My family, close friends, working on my career & MAKING MY MONEY!

I need someone to txt all my friends are asleep or won't txt me back ** #lameasses

RT @Halessbaless: If people saw the way I danced while studying/doing homework. I'm positive I would have no friends.

Replacing "now" with "meow" probably means you have about 0.5 friends.

RT @ObIiviousMom: My daughter taught me that new dance called "twerking". My son's black friends love when I do it for them.

RT @BEASTSTORY: Hold tight to memories for comfort, lean on your friends for strength, and always remember how much you are cared about. ...

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