TOMITA Sound Cloud in Yokohama (1/3) / トミタ サウンドクラウド イン 横浜
横浜開港130周年のイベントとして1989年に行われたトミタ サウンドクラウド イン 横浜。TOMITA Sound Cloud in Yokohama. This is an event on the 130th anniversary opening of the Port of Yokohama at 1989. 出演 : 冨田勲、日野皓正、佐藤しのぶ、鼓童、ニコライ・デミジェンコ、森高千里、他。 Performer : Isao Tomita , Terumasa Hino , Sinobu Sato , Kodo , Nikolai Demidenko , Chisato Moritaka and others. 当日の全演奏曲目(パンフレットより) All program list on that day. ... Part 1. Opening - Fanfare (musiques pour le lear) : Debussy Part 2. Jenesis - Sirenes (nocturnes) : Debussy - Fanfare from La Peri : Dukas Part 3. Yokohama past - Rhapsody on a theme of paganini op.43 : Rachmaninoff - Piano concerto no.2 C minor.op.18 : Rachmaninoff - Over joied : Stevie wonder Part 4. Yokohama present - Yokohama one night - Kaigan Part 5. Yokohama future - Planets : Holst - Blue smiles : Terumasa hino - Otis : Terumasa hino - Trade wind : Terumasa hino - Clair de lune : Debussy - Issen - Oh-daiko - Yu-karaku Part 6. Finale - Whose this blue earth is? : Isao tomita - The great call (sinphony no.2) : Mahler - Final (fire bird) : Stravinsky

Falsification Attack on WPA-TKIP ( Cracking WPA )
Effective Falsification Attack on WPA-TKIP by Modifying Any Packet to QoS Packet Yosuke Todo(Kobe Univ.), Toshihiro Ohigashi(Hiroshima Univ.), and Masakatu Morii(Kobe Univ.) In this paper, we propose two new attacks. The first is an improved, high-speed method for recovering a MIC key from an ARP packet. Our method can recover the MIC key with 7-9 min. The second is a falsification attack based on the vulnerability of QoS packet processing. In this attack, the condition that APs support IEEE 802.11e is negated. In addition, we discover that almost all clients support IEEE 802.11e with a chipset and cannot disable the IEEE 802.11e function. Therefore, almost all implementations of WPA-TKIP can be attacked in a realistic environment.