Let's Play: 'Otogirisou' 弟切草- 1
'Otogirisou' 弟切草("St. John's Wort") Super Famicom, 1992. I'm playing through this Japanese Super Famicom sound novel and trying to translate as best I can as I go! It's kind of like a choose-your-own-adventure novel with a horror theme to it. The story has multiple branching paths and a bunch of different endings depending on the choices you make in the game. I'm not aiming for a particular ending, I'm just playing through and seeing where the story takes me. If I mess up or I don't understand any of the Japanese I apologize in advance! In this video we meet our intrepid protagonists Kouhei and Nami. We also hear the legend behind the name 'Otogirisou' or "Brother Cutting Grass".

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