Chris Tomlin Enough

Chris Tomlin Enough

chris tomlin teaching enough
I thought the dudes that made the textbook r atleast smart enough to know that if 8x+3=35 x=4! Why they acksin me to know?

Wassup = Tryna fuck? , Where u at = You close enough to fuck?, We need to chill = We need to fuck, You so fake = Why you ain't let me fuck.

@Islagrandad @blondierodge hahaha fair enough!! How was the job searching goin grands??

So the JPod article in today's addy has my photo of Joffa? Fair enough.. i wasn't quick enough for the photo of him & Dom G :D

I'm trying. Isn't that good enough?

Alright, enough already with the "ZING!" nonsense. Does anyone remember Zingers? How about Chocodiles? Anyone?

enough? の最新情報!

enough? 最新動画

enough? 関連情報

↓enough? の最新情報↓
enough? ニュース
enough? ウェブ

