


「Collectable King Crimson, Volume Three」と同じ内容だと思いますので、安い方を買っても良いんじゃないでしょうか。タイトルが違うので見つけにくいですけれども。
時期的にも内容的にも「Absent Lovers - Live in Montreal 1984」のキレのある演奏から現在のヘヴィーメタルなKCへの過渡期的なライヴだと思います。


Murder Is Announced [VHS] [Import]
A man dies in Chipping Kleghorn and suddenly aunt Jane is coming to stay. As with most Agatha Christie's movies, everybody and nobody could have done it. Miss Jane Marple is the catalyst that helps Inspector Craddock (John Castle) and others to view the situation differently and extrapolate the "who" that done it.

It is interesting that the inspector in some movies, is related to Jane and in other movies not. Inspector Craddock here is interesting as he is polite and tolerant of the people he is interrogating.

It is fun to try and match the real names of the actors with the part that they are playing. Would you suspect that Hannah is (Elaine Ives-Cameron)? Or that Miss Hinchcliffe is (Paola Dionisotti)?

Anyway keep your eyes open, as there is not a wasted movement or word in this movie.


Miss Marple: A Murder Is Announced [VHS] [Import]
A man dies in Chipping Kleghorn and suddenly aunt Jane is coming to stay. As with most Agatha Christie's movies, everybody and nobody could have done it. Miss Jane Marple is the catalyst that helps Inspector Craddock (John Castle) and others to view the situation differently and extrapolate the "who" that done it.

It is interesting that the inspector in some movies, is related to Jane and in other movies not. Inspector Craddock here is interesting as he is polite and tolerant of the people he is interrogating.

It is fun to try and match the real names of the actors with the part that they are playing. Would you suspect that Hannah is (Elaine Ives-Cameron)? Or that Miss Hinchcliffe is (Paola Dionisotti)?

Anyway keep your eyes open, as there is not a wasted movement or word in this movie.


Sea Shepherd Crew on Larry King Live (Whale Wars) Pt. 2

King Shepherd 動画


らんま1/2 熱闘編 らんま1/2熱闘編 「リトル★デイト」
ALBA ROSA Alba Rosa Castro- Anonimo Veneciano
真・女神転生 デビルサマナー 【YUMIKO】「RaidoBattle」 from デビルサマナー葛葉ライドウ
ET-KING K×ET-KING この歌を・・・・・・・・♪
ファイナルファンタジータクティクス PS ファイナルファンタジータクティクス オープニングムービー
グレートマジンガー 【初音ミク】おれはグレートマジンガー
元興寺 CM JR東海 奈良 2007 夏 興福寺
滝口ミラ 滝口ミラ アメリカ村TV The Break~アメリカ村アイドル~ kissfm
TANTRA Sri Vidya (01/41) Tantra Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Swami Rama

King Shepherd 情報

絶体絶命都市 比較
桃太郎電鉄16 質問
伝説の勇者 ダ・ガーン 噂